Monthly Roundup – February 2011
The past several weeks have been interesting to say the least. Yes, I’ll share with you. And you can also see any posts you may have missed because of it all.
DetailsThe past several weeks have been interesting to say the least. Yes, I’ll share with you. And you can also see any posts you may have missed because of it all.
DetailsThe Miraculous Power of God seen, experienced and consistent – every day! Want to see that? There is tremendous power for us in God, but there is a key to unlock it. Do you know what it is?
DetailsEver had to eat Humble Pie? You need a strong stomach to chew through this one. The initial taste is bitter… but the lingering taste is sweet to those that swallow it. Do you swallow it?
DetailsThe occasions for taking offense are practically endless. Every day we will be given an opportunity to be offended. But at the same time we are also given the opportunity to have an unoffendable heart!
DetailsThere are times of adversity and agonies in life for which God alone seems not enough and we crave also for the comfort of our friends. God knows we need more friends. Do you know who your friends will be?
DetailsAs we wisely discern the real issues behind Egypt’s eruption of political unrest, we begin to ask questions like, “who are the Muslim Brotherhood?”
DetailsFor every story in life there is one side, the other side and somewhere in between lies the truth. We have all seen what the Media have to say. Here is an eyewitness report from the crisis in Egypt. You decide.
DetailsI have enjoyed the Christmas holidays! It is the first time I have had 4 weeks off. It is a long time but Judith and I made the most of it with a trip up to Queensland. We amazingly dodged all the floods… usually just 4 days ahead of each disaster! Below are my reflections…
DetailsTROOPER MARK GREGOR DONALDSON For most conspicuous acts of gallantry in action in a circumstance of great peril in Afghanistan as part of the Special Operations Task Group during Operation SLIPPER, Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan. The Act Trooper Mark Gregor Donaldson enlisted into the Australian Army on 18 June 2002. After completing Recruit and Initial and…