I Believe in Who?!

There are times when so many leaders, who have the gift-of-the-gab and are charismatic, fall into disgrace and sabotage their ministry. Having observed this several times, the question goes begging: “What is the hallmark of a good leader in whom we can trust? “ Retrospect is a wonderful thing… and so as I look at…


Every Day

Have you ever heard some unbelievable news that you just had to follow intently. Maybe delve into a little and research the details because you were intrigued and wanted to know if what you were hearing was indeed true. Our media does have its fair share of BAD news. I can quickly recall such events…


God’s Testimony

How often have we heard people say, “I can’t see God, therefore how can I believe in Him?” And when God does something, in disbelief, they give the credit to some other ‘god’ e.g. luck, science, etc., and convince themselves of anything else, but that it was God. Every people group has created their own…
