I’m a Grandpa! Again… welcome Torvald.
I’m a Grandpa…again! Welcome to our tenacious Torvald Bjorn Vander Reyden.
DetailsI’m a Grandpa…again! Welcome to our tenacious Torvald Bjorn Vander Reyden.
DetailsIt is a slippery slope. You’ll want to know what is at the bottom before it is too late.
DetailsAs one year slips into history and the new year looms on the horizon, life moves towards Eternity. Teach us to number our days, that we might have wise hearts.
DetailsI’m a Grandpa! I’m a Grandpa! I’m a Grandpa! I’m a Grandpa! I’m a Grandpa! I’m a Grandpa! Think I’m ecstatic? I sure am. And that is because my daughter, Jessica, and my wonderful son-in-law, Ethan, have given Judith and I, a Grandson. Welcome to… Arkyn Ethan Vander Reyden Born on December 1st, 2015 at…
DetailsThe Holy Bible is the Greatest Love Story… and it is all about you. If we were to condense the 66 books of the Bible into a short letter from God, this would be it.
DetailsOffering an alternate perspective on Same Sex Marriage is either shouted down with vehement short expletives or labelled as bigotry. Therein lies a great irony… one in which is worthy for all to explore!
Details1.3 Million people flooded Paris’s Place de la République to pay tribute to victims murdered in attacks by Islamist extremists and marched for the Freedom of speech. But Freedom carries with it duties and responsibilities that sometimes people do not grasp or quickly forget.
DetailsA good friend and Brother-in-Christ, Peter Kentley, wrote the following article. I thought it to be both balanced and absolutely spot on! So for those who have not yet seen it, it is worth the read
DetailsTo change the definition of marriage to encompass a union between any two persons would effectively abolish marriage in Australian law by replacing it with something quite different – something no longer in the best interests of Australian society.