#13 Fishers & Hunters
The time for fishing is coming to a close and the hunters are about to go out, if not already, and do what they do best. Do you recognise who the Hunters are? They are here, now.
DetailsThe time for fishing is coming to a close and the hunters are about to go out, if not already, and do what they do best. Do you recognise who the Hunters are? They are here, now.
DetailsThe Days of Noah and the Days of Lot are warnings to us in the End Times. It clearly presents a type and shadow for the End Times Timeline and points to where we now are in that timeline.
DetailsAre you obsessed with multiple conspiracy theories and thus have the spirit of fear around you and react in this way for instance, “what they are doing to us” philosophy, or, do you have the mind of Christ, a mind that cannot be manipulated? Do Conspiracy Theories hold us captive?
DetailsYou can download the Sabbatical & Jubilee Calendar. You will see exactly where we are on the prophetic calendar. You will need this calendar as we proceed with explaining The End Times. See and know, yourself. Prove all things!
DetailsYou can download the Sabbatical & Jubilee Calendar. You will see exactly where we are on the prophetic calendar. You will need this calendar as we proceed with explaining The End Times. See and know, yourself. Prove all things!
DetailsYou can download the Sabbatical & Jubilee Calendar. You will see exactly where we are on the prophetic calendar. You will need this calendar as we proceed with explaining The End Times. See and know, yourself. Prove all things!
DetailsIn 2 Peter 3:8, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” The word ‘like’ is interesting. And only when you understand the Sabbatical Cycles that you will know exactly the number of years are for ‘one day’. Then, as you will see, Prophetic timing will clearly fall into place.
DetailsHow to link between Calendars? We isolate an intersecting principal point of contact where Hebrew history correlates with certainty to the history of another nation whose chronology, for a given space and time, is more well-known. A solid synchronism between Judah and Assyria exists in 853 B.C. & 701 B.C. This linking confirms timelines of the Jubilee Cycles and the Sabbatical Calendar.
DetailsThere are so many calendars… but which one should we follow. Here is how to know and why. This is extremely important so you can understand the Jubilee Cycles and the Sabbatical Calendar.