No Favouritism

Tolerance for aboriginals, nil. Tolerance for Japanese, nil. Asians, Chinese, Arabians, Egyptians etc., Nil. Basically, anyone with skin that was not white is beneath me and is scum and are not worthy to breath the same air as me. Beat them up and make their life a misery is just fine…and justifiable as they are…


God lives where?!

How often have I heard the phase, “God is in the house”. I’m even guilty of having used this phrase. It sounds good. It’s appealing. It stirs the emotions. It’s exciting… But, it’s not really correct! “However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: “‘Heaven is…


Step Up!

I am amazed at the number of volunteers who serve diligently at church. With those who are passionately serving in an area of ministry that they are dedicated to creates a growth environment for God’s Kingdom to expand. As a leader it is good for us to continually search out individuals who “are known to…


Are you serious?!

In Acts 5:1-11, Ananias and Sapphira pretended to be generous in front of their fellow Christians. Big noting themselves. Looking good. “Hey, we sold some land too and here’s all the money.” Aren’t we good. Secretly they kept back some of it for themselves. Well, that’s okay…it was theirs anyways. But the deceitfulness of saying…
