Pure Joy
My hope is that you will experience joy, pure joy, just as my grandsons do. And herein lies the secret to finding that hope & joy again.
My hope is that you will experience joy, pure joy, just as my grandsons do. And herein lies the secret to finding that hope & joy again.
Wow! The latest gadget has arrived! Do you get it? Can you afford it? Is it really worth it? Decide for yourself.
I love technology! We all use it. But how many of us have a growing dependency on it to the point of addiction?
The Rat Race… where we work… spend… work… spend… work… spend… A never ending cycle. Are you happy on that merry-go-around? If not, there is a solution.
A Simple Life: A winter’s day and it’s all too dreary to stay inside. The bed is warm. Getting up and dressed to go out almost hi-jacks the desire to escape. “To the Bat-mobile…” and the trek begins…