A winter’s day and it’s all too dreary to stay inside. And the bed is soooo warm. Getting up and dressed to go out almost hi-jacks the desire to escape.
“To the Bat-mobile…” and the trek to the beach begins!
Why the beach?
I love the beach on winter days.
Great service at the beach-side establishments. No rush. No crush. No people.
The fresh air blowing in off the ocean. A thick coat protects the outside and long sips of coffee to warm the inside. A deep breath… long exhales….
The sun peeks out from the clouds and the warm rays seep into the inner being.
It is so relaxing.
Rest is a good thing – even God rested:
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Genesis 2:2
And days like today remind me:
Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.
Psalm 116:7
He is… and I am… how about you?