These are moments when little experiences of life capture my attention or imagination. These are my Flash Reflections!
Recently I wrote about surviving the financial crisis, the ‘history of money’, and what it was to have some wisdom on acquiring true wealth. These posts discussed wealth in terms of money and financial well being. But recently, when discussing this topic, a man in my Life Group made this comment: I have a great…
The question that sits at the back of our mind is, “How do I survive a financial crisis?” We dare not speak out but it sits heavy upon us. We watch as interest rates for housing rise, cost of living rises, petrol, basic foods, electricity bills, gas bills, rates, all going up so fast. And…
The Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) was part of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force that was formed in Egypt in 1915 and operated during the Battle of Gallipoli. Due to the trench-digging aspects of the war, the ANZACs ascribed to themselves and their mates a slang term of affection, “digger’. ‘Digger’ and ‘dig’ were…
Men have fought throughout history for a myriad of reasons. It has been motivated by greed, desire for power, religious beliefs, or just plain stupidity and pride. For some men they have been thrust into battle to defend an unwanted attack on their lands, loved ones or way of life. There was a time we…
Thirty 8 year old pirates running around and calling out, “Arrr” and, “Shiver me timbers!” Under the flag of the Jolly Roger, the unfortunate walking the plank and swashbuckling sword fights defend or repel on the mock Pirate Ship, built specially for the day and proudly standing in the backyard. My dad had been busy…
When the star of golf, Eldrick Tont “Tiger” Woods, fell beneath the deceptive weight of adultery, it shocked the world. The pedestal that he precariously stood upon was rocked and he fell from grace. People who loved all that he stood for were rightly angry for the deception. His wife, Elin, all the more. His…
Whenever I share this story I have to use all my might to stop bursting into tears. After I saw the film, “Saving Private Ryan“, I was weeping for a few days. The film was good… but through it I had made a profound discovery. It was this discovery that still brings tears to my…
Friday night was the end of the week. My mum always prepared and cooked great meals. But this was Friday night! Take-away was the highlight each fortnight. Take-away food was limited to fish and chips, no pizza shops, McDonald’s , KFC, Subway or Nandos. Just good old, plain fish and chips. And our shop was…
Freeways get upgraded and are constantly changing to accommodate the burgeoning population of Melbourne. I haven’t been through the maze of reconstruction between the Bolte Bridge and Montague Street until recently. As I returned from the airport after dropping a friend off, and chatting with my wife, as one does, the familiar road seem to…