Friends… who needs them?!
There are times of adversity and agonies in life for which God alone seems not enough and we crave also for the comfort of our friends. God knows we need more friends. Do you know who your friends will be?
These are moments when little experiences of life capture my attention or imagination. These are my Flash Reflections!
There are times of adversity and agonies in life for which God alone seems not enough and we crave also for the comfort of our friends. God knows we need more friends. Do you know who your friends will be?
As we wisely discern the real issues behind Egypt’s eruption of political unrest, we begin to ask questions like, “who are the Muslim Brotherhood?”
For every story in life there is one side, the other side and somewhere in between lies the truth. We have all seen what the Media have to say. Here is an eyewitness report from the crisis in Egypt. You decide.
TROOPER MARK GREGOR DONALDSON For most conspicuous acts of gallantry in action in a circumstance of great peril in Afghanistan as part of the Special Operations Task Group during Operation SLIPPER, Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan. The Act Trooper Mark Gregor Donaldson enlisted into the Australian Army on 18 June 2002. After completing Recruit and Initial and…
The recent Australian floods, first in Queensland and then in Victoria has bought out some shining stars. Take the bloke, Doug Hyslop, who saw the 400 meter boardwalk threaten to collapse the massive Gateway bridge in Brisbane during the peak of the Queensland floods. He had a small tug boat. No one told him what…
10 days ago I was delayed and detoured on the Warrego Highway (between Toowoomba & Gatton, Queensland) as council workers desperately filled potholes that reduced traffic speeds from 100kph to a frustratingly slow 60kph. Previous weeks of heavy rains had taken their toll on the roads. Trucks pounded the soft spots and bitumen broke up…
In recent news reports from the Queensland floods, it has been observed the number of animals clustered together on small islands of refuge. At first we may think, “Fair enough”. But when we look a little closer we realise that natural enemies, predators and prey alike, are abiding together. Normally, when a food source is…
Disaster! Floods in Queensland covering an area the size of New South Wales, or for my American friends, the size of Texas. Devastation at every turn. Houses inundated with muddy water and debris. Ruin. Heart breaking. And yet in the midst of the heartache flows the coping mechanism, humour. Good old aussie humour. Even in…
Going to market. They are the same the world over. It is interesting to see the alternative lifestyles and ideas that thrive in this place. You have all sorts selling everything imaginable. Some treasures and some junk – what captures one repulses another. But a marketplace is a pure form of business that competes on…