These are moments when little experiences of life capture my attention or imagination. These are my Flash Reflections!

Simplicity…simple really.

“This fang-dangled you-beaut GPS thingy is as useless as…[fades to indistinguisable mutterring]“, is probably the way I would have described the new GPS as it attempts to redirect my journey off onto the beaten track instead of staying on the Freeway and main highways. Frustrating! But not so from our Uncle Jack. He would never…

It just slipped out…honestly!

The harness is secured tightly around my thighs, the tummy, chest and over the shoulders. I walk up six steps on the ladder and face my tormentor. This is crazy. The knees begin to shake and the tummy turns over. The safety instructor rigs the winching rope with the release cord. Final instructions and encouragement…