Pure Joy
My hope is that you will experience joy, pure joy, just as my grandsons do. And herein lies the secret to finding that hope & joy again.
My hope is that you will experience joy, pure joy, just as my grandsons do. And herein lies the secret to finding that hope & joy again.
The Holy Bible is the Greatest Love Story… and it is all about you. If we were to condense the 66 books of the Bible into a short letter from God, this would be it.
A good friend and Brother-in-Christ, Peter Kentley, wrote the following article. I thought it to be both balanced and absolutely spot on! So for those who have not yet seen it, it is worth the read
There has been a lot of theories about the Mark of The Beast. It has kicked off heaps of hoaxes and fear mongering over many years. So, here are my thoughts on the matter. I too am seeking wisdom…and may not have this correct either… I remain willing to be corrected or indeed exposed to further wisdom.
Have you ever been in an impossible situation where you are swept along in a series of events which are not fair or reasonable. Ever wondered how it could ever be a part of God’s purpose for your life? What can you do about it? What do you do?
We usher in MMXII… know how to handle the predictions, imminent doom and gloom. Are you ready for the significant events throughout the year? Oh, and do you know what you can do to ensure it is not a year lived in vain? I’m excited with anticipation! How are you preparing?
Do we draw a conclusion about a person’s character, integrity, gifts, abilities, skills, personality, etc. Most of us will sum people up and put them in a box and label it. The person is now defined in our eyes. Do we ever give them a second chance?
Since 1861, “The Melbourne Cup” is Australia’s major thoroughbred horse race and is billed as “The race that stops a nation”. What wisdom can be gleaned from such a race? You maybe surprised.
There are times of adversity and agonies in life for which God alone seems not enough and we crave also for the comfort of our friends. God knows we need more friends. Do you know who your friends will be?