I don’t know about you, but for me all the posturing between Prime Minister Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is not only boring but is so misleading for average Australians.

Even the Media are promoting this as a Gillard vs Abbott campaign.

A friend of mine, who works at the Polling Booths, shared about a woman who came in one election and said she wanted to vote for Bob Hawke but couldn’t find his name on her ballot. When my friend pointed out the ALP candidate for her electorate, her response was, “No! I’m not voting for that #$%#! idiot! I want to vote for Bob Hawke!”

How many Australians have you heard ask the question, “Who would you vote for… Gillard or Abbott?”

Unless you are in the electorates of Lalor (Julia Gillard) or Warringah (Tony Abbott) you don’t vote for them!

You do vote for your local candidate who represents you – in your electorate.

Bob Katter MPThis morning I saw on Sunrise the ad for Bob Katter in the Electorate of Kennedy in North Queensland – the third largest electorate in Australia. Bob Katter has been the Federal Member for Kennedy since 1993, following a highly successful career in State politics where he held four Ministerial positions. He follows in his father’s footsteps as the Member for Kennedy, with Hon. R.C. Katter Sr. holding the seat for 24 years.

Both Bob and his dad, are what I call true representatives. They have genuinely cared for their people first and politics second. They were always willing to help out with small matters to overwhelming matters that affected the electorate. When you rang to speak with either Bob, you were never fobbed off – they actually take the call!

Here is Bob Katter’s current ad campaign. And to be honest, if I were still living in Mt. Isa, I would still be voting for him.

Bob Katter Electoral Advert – 2010

So instead of asking, “Who would I vote for.. Gillard or Abbott?” the wiser question to ask is this: “Who will I vote to represent me and what do I know about them?”