What is True Wealth?
Wealth… took me a while to find it. How about you?
Big epic olden day battle movies. Scenes of battles and fortress sieges. Good verses evil …and good triumphs. And, I love the old testament stories. Here is an interesting snippet: Next Abimelek went to Thebez and besieged it and captured it. Inside the city, however, was a strong tower, to which all the men and…
My dad once told me that he considered he would be successful only if he owned a Jaguar car, a big and beautiful home, be well off with plenty of money in the bank, be in good health, had a good wife, and two kids he could be proud of. And in that order! He…
The Commonwealth of Australia is a most unique country in the world. But how come it was so resilient during a Global Financial crisis? There are two simple reasons: our form of Parliament and a Government owned Central Bank Reserve. The Parliament of Australia was derived from the British, Canadian and American systems to form…
Recently I wrote about surviving the financial crisis, the ‘history of money’, and what it was to have some wisdom on acquiring true wealth. These posts discussed wealth in terms of money and financial well being. But recently, when discussing this topic, a man in my Life Group made this comment: I have a great…
The world is groaning under the global economic crisis as governments scramble to prop up failing bastions of greed. The little man in the street takes the full brunt from the excesses of the few who escape into the fantasy of living a life of extravagance. The world systems operate on Buying, Selling or Trading.…
Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. The poorest 40 percent of the world’s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three-quarters of world income. In…
Who would love to have a new car, a newly built beautiful 4 bedroom home, in a prestigious suburb, with a maintenance free garden with a pond, waterfall and a swiming pool – heated of course. The house is filled with amazing comfortable furniture and the latest gizmos – Plasma Theater style TV, piped music…
When we first get a taste of earning our own money, the desire for riches sets in. I recall earning my first pocket money… a one bob (a Shilling ~ 10 cents). That was a lot. I ran down to the local corner store and selected my own bag of lollies… yep, that was when…