All I want is YOU.
Ever wanted to be wanted, just for being you?
This woman is closer than you think. Just who is she?
The Holy Bible is the Greatest Love Story… and it is all about you. If we were to condense the 66 books of the Bible into a short letter from God, this would be it.
A good friend and Brother-in-Christ, Peter Kentley, wrote the following article. I thought it to be both balanced and absolutely spot on! So for those who have not yet seen it, it is worth the read
Robbed twice in two weeks! Who wouldn’t be angry and fearful?! First an aggravated burglary via our bedroom window while we slept and then the return two weeks later. But we are not the ones robbed… it was the thief!
Do we draw a conclusion about a person’s character, integrity, gifts, abilities, skills, personality, etc. Most of us will sum people up and put them in a box and label it. The person is now defined in our eyes. Do we ever give them a second chance?
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we remember them. LEST WE FORGET.
Have you ever been annoyed at some aspect of your culture being trampled over by another invading culture or been incensed by your cultural norms being eroded away and replaced by other cultural systems?
Why is it in Australia, it doesn’t matter if you grew up poorest of the poor or with a silver spoon in your mouth, true mateship extends beyond social standing? There is no division. There is just ‘together’, ‘oneness’, ‘me mates!’