As we drive along man made bitumen roads, we can’t help but admire God’s creation that adorns its sides.
The endless road creates a monotonous beat but the Australian bush soothes the soul.
We had just left Warwick and followed the highway off the Great Dividing Range, down through Cunninghams Gap. What could stop us? Mudslide. Road Closed. Man 0, God 1.
Reroute via Gatton on the Grantham-Gatton Highway. Nope. Flooded. Man 0, God 2.
Reroute via Toowomba. Slabs of bitumen swept clean off the road and the workmen furiously restoring the goat track back to a one lane highway… a little waiting and 40kph with a ‘proceed with caution’. Woohoo! Man .5, God still reminding us of His Sovereignty.
Man is smart… but God still is in control. Maybe, just maybe, there is something in that.
[Posted via my mobile phone]