Money Matters gives insight into understanding money, its traps and pitfalls. Money is amoral… but it can be manipulated unless you understand its power.
Great! You want to eliminate debt. Well, the good news is that you can. Now, this may seem self-evident, but the reason your debt is out of control is that you keep adding to it. Therefore, Stop using credit. Don’t finance anything. Cut up your credit cards. Ouch…that last one can be tough. But don’t…
Hopefully you took seriously TIP#1 … skipping the first step will not set the grounding for the information that now follows. Throughout the items you read, there were some components that had the Golden Key Unlocking the Puzzle Piece (picture left). These are key building blocks. Understanding those keys creates the paradigm shift required. While…
In Washington, the headquarters of both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) face each other on the same street. What are these organisations, and who controls them? To find out we need to look back to just after WWI. At this point the money changers were attempting to consolidate the central banks…
Most all will be aware of Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. What you may not know is that he was almost completely financed by money drawn from the privately owned American Federal Reserve. In his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony Sutton, provides a thoroughly documented account of the role played…
In 1933, the new President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed a bill forcing all the American people, to hand over all their gold at base rate. With the exception of rare coins. He disowned himself from the bill claiming to not have read it and his secretary of the treasury claimed this was “what the experts…
Stack in front of you the biographies of all the Wall Street giants, J.P. Morgan, Joe F. Kennedy, J.D Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, and you’ll find they all marvel at how they got out of the stock market and put their assets in gold just before the Stock Market Crash of 1929. On February 6, 1929,…
World War I concludes in 1918. With Russia taken care of, the money changers now had control of every major national economy. Like a steam roller moving and a wolf gathering its pack, there was only one thing left to do and that was to go global. The first attempt was the proposal to set…
War uses up more materials more quickly than most anything else on earth. In war expensive equipment doesn’t wear out slowly, it gets blown up! Where there is war, there is money to be made. For example, during the 119 year period from the founding of the Bank of England to Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo,…
In Washington, the statue of Lincoln sits in his chair and looks out toward a building called the Federal Reserve Headquarters. Interestingly, this institution would not be there if Lincoln’s monetary policy had been adopted by the USA. The Federal Reserve is not Federal and it has doubtful reserves. The name is an open deception…